The first concept that I encountered was how much time children spend on social media. It shocked me at how much time young children spend playing on computers, but at the same time did not surprise me. Growing up I remember being outside and playing. We did not have access to computers, video games, or social media like children do today. It was a special opportunity to go to the computer lab at school, but now there are computers in every classroom. After reading this chapter I decided to do an observation in my classroom. Almost every student wanted to play on our computers at least once during the day if not the whole time we were in free centers. Also when the parents came to pick up their children at least 6 out of 10 parents would have the child's iPad or electronic with them to get them to go or bribe them with it being in the car to go home.
The second concept I want to talk about is setting up a classroom website or wiki. I wish they had these growing up for me. Being able to post things as a student and having everyone in your class at your disposable to ask for help is great. I remember going into class that next and not always having time to ask one of my classmates for help on the homework, and I could not do it at home, because I did not have any of their information. I think being able to have a class website where each student can post questions about homework or an assignment they are doing would really help increase the grades. Also since the teacher can see what they are asking for help on if enough kids did not understand it they would know that they have to spend more time on that topic. Also if the teacher had extra notes or found a video on the topic they were talking about being able to post it to the website would be helpful to the students at home.
The third concept I would like to talk about is how when students graduate they will go into a field that requires them to use technology. In high school I thought it was ridiculous to have to take tech classes, but once I got into the work force I realized how beneficial they are. I think it should be required for all graduating students to take the basic technology classes whether they think they know what they are doing or not. There are a lot of things I still do not know how to do that I could have learned in those classes if they were required. I also think if these high school students know how to work these computers and websites they will then be able to teach the older generations how to work these. Thus benefiting more than just these future graduates. Now if you introduce these technology classes to 4th and 5th graders it would benefit them more than the high schoolers. They would be able to show their parents how to use the different applications making it easier for the parents to help them. Also if they have these classes for the younger students then come time for high school they wouldn't have to take the classes leave more time for them to take AP or college classes.
In conclusion, I think they should keep the computers in the younger classrooms, but monitor what the students do on it. They should monitor how much time each student has the computer and make sure no one student goes over a certain amount of time. This chapter helped me to realize how much more you can do with technology in the classroom and how much you could use it for a teaching tool. I am excited to see what other good ideas I can get from this class to help incorporate into my classroom.
Dr. Clements, Douglas (2013 January 30). Introducing Technology to Young Children.
Retrieved September 3, 2016, Youtube. EarlyChildhoodVideos,
Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf,
Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition.
Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
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