Saturday, November 12, 2016

Digital Blog #K - Chapter 6
      The first concept I would like to talk about comes from the section "Managing information Electronically". I believe as a future educator if we are not constantly learning and keeping up with the new rules and regulations we would fall behind as teachers. For example at my daycare we are constantly taking new refresher classes to learn the new rules and research. The regulations are always changing and they are coming out with new discoveries about how children learn. For teachers to be update on these things they are able to give there students the best education. With having such access to the internet they are able to answer any questions their students ask right away. It also makes it easier to store files on their computers rather than stacks of papers and lesson plans. They can just go to the search bar and type in what file they are looking for and there it is, instead of searching through stacks of papers.
      The second concept I would like to talk about comes from the section " Building a Standard Connector". I feel like this could be something extremely useful for teachers. If they had one for every department in a school they all collaboratively work on it and put websites on there they found useful. I also feel like this is a great backup plan if computers went down you would not lose all your websites you found, because they would be backed up online. This could also be very beneficial if you went to a conference with lets say math teachers from all over. If they created one, then when all teachers got back to their schools they could all post on there with different ideas on how to teach something. This is a great way to get new ideas from other teachers on how they have been successful with certain topics.
      The third topic I would like to talk about comes from the section "Taking Virtual Field Trips".  I think this an amazing thing. This could be the most useful in a history or social studies class. When teachers are coming up with lesson plans sometimes students tend to tune out, but if the teacher took them on a virtual field trip they would not tune out. This may also help the teacher explain the different era of time they are studying. It may also help the students understand the architecture of buildings across the world that they may never be able to see. They could also use this tool as a part of a project. Assign a place to a group of students and have them take a tour of the place and do a report on it.

 Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Digital Blog Post #J- Chapter 11
      My first concept comes from the section "Test assessments and performance evaluations". I think from being an educator already that there are more ways then just the old fashion test and quizzes to evaluate a students progress. I know working with young students we are constantly evaluating our students in a non traditional way. I am always taking observations to make sure they are developing appropriately or are doing the same things as their classmates. We make it into fun little games to see if they can stand on one leg (to make sure their motor skills are there) see if they can throw and catch a ball when you throw it at them. I personally would rather evaluate my students in a fun way rather then always sitting them down for a paper test. It is not really the same for teacher evaluations. I remember back in high school the principal would always pop into classes just for a few minutes to make sure the class is going smoothly and the teachers are doing the right thing.
      For my second concept I would like to talk about comes from the section "Portfolios and refection". This to me seems like it is your resume and kid of like this blog. You get to talk yourself up in the portfolios to sound good for your future employee. For the refection you get to talk about what went good in your classroom what worked and what didn't. This is a great way for a teacher to keep track of different activities they did with the students and how they went over so for the next year you have an idea of how it will go. You can also use reflections to go back and see what you can fix for next time and why it did not work this time. It is a good way to keep all your projects and crafts in order and on track. It also can help if you have a challenging student to write about and then come back to it after you have calmed down and think about how you can change the situation for next time or what you could have done differently.
      For my last concept I would like to talk about comes from the section " Involving Students in Learning and Assessments". I am a firm believer that students will be more likely to do their work if you give them to options of what they want to do. I will agree with this section a classroom works better as a democracy. If you allow the students to decide if they are ready to take a test then odds are when you take the test the scores will be higher. Also what I have notices while doing homework with some of the school aged students at my daycare for their spelling homework they are given a paper with several different options on how they would like to do their spelling. The only rule is they have to pick three of the options and have them done by Friday. When I talked to the teachers they said they had seen a increase in students doing their homework this way. I think when students feel like they are also in charge they are willing to work with you and do what you need. In my classroom we use conscious discipline. This is were you give the students choices if they want to do one thing or another thing. This way you are not disciplining them in the old fashion way, but still are with allowing them to pick what they want.

 Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
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